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Fundamentals of AVX Programming

Data Types

Data TypeDescription
__m128128-bit vector containing 4 floats
__m128d128-bit vector containing 2 doubles
__m128i128-bit vector containing integers
__m256256-bit vector containing 8 floats
__m256d256-bit vector containing 4 doubles
__m256i256-bit vector containing integers
  • Each type starts with two underscores, an m, and the width of the vector in bits.
  • If a vector type ends in d, it contains doubles, and if it doesn’t have a suffix, it contains floats.
  • An integer vector type can contain any type of integer, from chars to shorts to unsigned long longs. That is, an _m256i may contain 32 chars, 16 shorts, 8 ints, or 4 longs. These integers can be signed or unsigned.

Function Naming Conventions


  • <bit_width> identifies the size of the vector returned by the function. For 128-bit vectors, this is empty. For 256-bit vectors, this is set to 256.
  • <name> describes the operation performed by the intrinsic
  • <data_type> identifies the data type of the function’s primary arguments
  • ps - vectors contain floats (ps stands for packed single-precision)
  • pd - vectors contain doubles (pd stands for packed double-precision)
  • epi8/epi16/epi32/epi64 - vectors contain 8-bit/16-bit/32-bit/64-bit signed integers
  • epu8/epu16/epu32/epu64 - vectors contain 8-bit/16-bit/32-bit/64-bit unsigned integers
  • si128/si256 - unspecified 128-bit vector or 256-bit vector
  • m128/m128i/m128d/m256/m256i/m256d - identifies input vector types when they’re different than the type of the returned vector

A data type represents memory and a function represents a multimedia operation, so the AVX data types start with two underscores with an m, AVX functions start with an underscore with two ms .

Initialization Intrinsics

Initialization with Scalar Values

_mm256_setzero_ps/pdReturns a floating-point vector filled with zeros
_mm256_setzero_si256Returns an integer vector whose bytes are set to zero
_mm256_set1_ps/pdFill a vector with a floating-point value
_mm256_set1_epi8/epi16/epi32/epi64xFill a vector with an integer
_mm256_set_ps/pdInitialize a vector with eight floats (ps)or four doubles (pd)
_mm256_set_epi8/epi16/epi32/epi64xInitialize a vector with integers
_mm256_set_m128/m128d/m128iInitialize a 256-bit vector with two 128-bit vectors
_mm256_setr_ps/pdInitialize a vector with eight floats (ps) or four doubles (pd) in reverse order
_mm256_setr_epi8/epi16/epi32/epi64xInitialize a vector with integers in reverse order

Loading Data from Memory

Data TypeDescription
_mm256_load_ps/pdLoads a floating-point vector from an aligned memory address
_mm256_load_si256Loads an integer vector from an aligned memory address
_mm256_loadu_ps/pdLoads a floating-point vector from an unaligned memory address
_mm256_loadu_si256Loads an integer vector from an unalignedmemory address
_mm_maskload_ps/pd _mm256_maskload_ps/pdLoad portions of a 128-bit/256-bitfloating-point vector according to a mask
(2)_mm_maskload_epi32/64 (2)_mm256_maskload_epi32/64Load portions of a 128-bit/256-bitinteger vector according to a mask

The last two functions are preceded with (2) because they’re provided by AVX2, not AVX.

Each _mm256_load_*intrinsic accepts a memory address that must be aligned on a 32-byte boundary.

Arithmetic Intrinsics

Addition and Subtraction

Data TypeDescription
_mm256_add_ps/pdAdd two floating-point vectors
_mm256_sub_ps/pdSubtract two floating-point vectors
(2)_mm256_add_epi8/16/32/64Add two integer vectors
(2)_mm236_sub_epi8/16/32/64Subtract two integer vectors
(2)_mm256_adds_epi8/16 (2)_mm256_adds_epu8/16Add two integer vectors with saturation
(2)_mm256_subs_epi8/16 (2)_mm256_subs_epu8/16Subtract two integer vectors with saturation
_mm256_hadd_ps/pdAdd two floating-point vectors horizontally
_mm256_hsub_ps/pdSubtract two floating-point vectors horizontally
(2)_mm256_hadd_epi16/32Add two integer vectors horizontally
(2)_mm256_hsub_epi16/32Subtract two integer vectors horizontally
(2)_mm256_hadds_epi16Add two vectors containing shorts horizontally with saturation
(2)_mm256_hsubs_epi16Subtract two vectors containing shorts horizontally with saturation
_mm256_addsub_ps/pdAdd and subtract two floating-point vectors

Functions that take saturation into account clamp the result to the minimum/maximum value that can be stored. Functions without saturation ignore the memory issue when saturation occurs.

This may seem strange to add and subtract elements horizontally, but these operations are helpful when multiplying complex numbers.

_mm256_addsub_ps/pd, alternately subtracts and adds elements of two floating-point vectors. That is, even elements are subtracted and odd elements are added .

Multiplication and Division

Data TypeDescription
_mm256_mul_ps/pdMultiply two floating-point vectors
(2)_mm256_mul_epi32 (2)_mm256_mul_epu32Multiply the lowest four elements of vectors containing 32-bit integers
(2)_mm256_mullo_epi16/32Multiply integers and store low halves
(2)_mm256_mulhi_epi16 (2)_mm256_mulhi_epu16Multiply integers and store high halves
(2)_mm256_mulhrs_epi16Multiply 16-bit elements to form 32-bit elements
_mm256_div_ps/pdDivide two floating-point vectors

This image is WRONG !!!

Please read the reference from this manual.

Only the four low elements of the _mm256_mul_epi32 and _mm256_mul_epu32 intrinsics are multiplied together, and the result is a vector containing four long integers.

They multiply every element of both vectors store only the low half of each product

Fused Multiply and Add (FMA)

Data TypeDescription
(2)_mm_fmadd_ps/pd/ (2)_mm256_fmadd_ps/pdMultiply two vectors and add the product to a third (res = a * b + c)
(2)_mm_fmsub_ps/pd/ (2)_mm256_fmsub_ps/pdMultiply two vectors and subtract a vector from the product (res = a * b - c)
(2)_mm_fmadd_ss/sdMultiply and add the lowest element in the vectors (res[0] = a[0] * b[0] + c[0])
(2)_mm_fmsub_ss/sdMultiply and subtract the lowest element in the vectors (res[0] = a[0] * b[0] - c[0])
(2)_mm_fnmadd_ps/pd (2)_mm256_fnmadd_ps/pdMultiply two vectors and add the negated product to a third (res = -(a * b) + c)
(2)_mm_fnmsub_ps/pd/ (2)_mm256_fnmsub_ps/pdMultiply two vectors and add the negated product to a third (res = -(a * b) - c)
(2)_mm_fnmadd_ss/sdMultiply the two lowest elements and add the negated product to the lowest element of the third vector (res[0] = -(a[0] * b[0]) + c[0])
(2)_mm_fnmsub_ss/sdMultiply the lowest elements and subtract the lowest element of the third vector from the negated product (res[0] = -(a[0] * b[0]) - c[0])
(2)_mm_fmaddsub_ps/pd/ (2)_mm256_fmaddsub_ps/pdMultiply two vectors and alternately add and subtract from the product (res = a * b +/- c) (Odd add, even sub)
(2)_mm_fmsubadd_ps/pd/ (2)_mmf256_fmsubadd_ps/pdMultiply two vectors and alternately subtract and add from the product (res = a * b -/+ c) (Odd sub, even add)

Permuting and Shuffling


Data TypeDescription
_mm_permute_ps/pd _mm256_permute_ps/pdSelect elements from the input vector based on an 8-bit control value
(2)_mm256_permute4x64_pd/ (2)_mm256_permute4x64_epi64Select 64-bit elements from the input vector based on an 8-bit control value
_mm256_permute2f128_ps/pdSelect 128-bit chunks from two input vectors based on an 8-bit control value
_mm256_permute2f128_si256Select 128-bit chunks from two input vectors based on an 8-bit control value
_mm_permutevar_ps/pd _mm256_permutevar_ps/pdSelect elements from the input vector based on bits in an integer vector
(2)_mm256_permutevar8x32_ps (2)_mm256_permutevar8x32_epi32Select 32-bit elements (floats and ints) using indices in an integer vector


Data TypeDescription
_mm256_shuffle_ps/pdSelect floating-point elements according to an 8-bit value
_mm256_shuffle_epi8/ _mm256_shuffle_epi32Select integer elements according to an8-bit value
(2)_mm256_shufflelo_epi16/ (2)_mm256_shufflehi_epi16Select 128-bit chunks from two input vectors based on an 8-bit control value

For _mm256_shuffle_pd, only the high four bits of the control value are used. If the input vectors contain ints or floats, all the control bits are used. For _mm256_shuffle_ps, the first two pairs of bits select elements from the first vector and the second two pairs of bits select elements from the second vector.

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